But my loneliness reminds me of her ,
With so many pals alltogether ,i am n'er a solitary soul,
But i am , when she is standing aside ,
Who says she is standing aside !??
Despite being so far , she's always sitting beside,
But if she is always sitting beside ,
Then why don't I REMEMBER her ?
I don't have love and care for her ,
But my heart melt n eyes get wet at her grief ,
IT's goodness of her nature which compells my heart to ,
Her nature is not good at all ,
But better than the nature's nature ,
Who always plays in favour of its creature ,
But then why don't i LOVE her ??
I don't wanna see her ,
But eager are my eyes to have a glimpse of her ,
They'll not find her anywhere ,they know,
They keep searching for her ,though ,
Don't know why my eyes always keep looking for ugly face ,
As ugly as the ANGELS of fairy tales ,
But then why don't i want to SEE her ???
I have a bunch of hatred in my heart for her ,
But it's very ungratefull to hate such a helpfull one ,
She is not at all a helpfull soul ,
But she helped me once to breathe ,more than once ! ,
How can anyone help me to breathe ,
I was breathing on my own ,but she helped me a lot,
But then again ,Why do i HATE her ????